Treadmill walking

Treadmill running is a wonderful tool for usage in lack of time to come to a suitable place for running or bad weather. Let us represent you the plain tips for treadmill running.

  • You don't need to push-off 'cause it is not worthwhile on the treadmill.
  • Always keep your knees bowed, do not unbend them by yourself and respectively do not allow the moving belt to straighten them too.
  • Pull your foot straight up underneath the hip as it is underneath the body.
  • Keep your body in an upright position. Do not bend forward on the treadmill, it is not required since the treadmill belt is dragging our feet backward.
  • Try to put on the same shoes with thin sole. You can run barefoot, in case if you have your own treadmill. In majority of gyms barefoot running is unpermitted.
  • Set your treadmill slope from 1 to 3 degrees to model the body bending ahead in the over ground running.
  • Warm-up is indispensable before working on the treadmill. It could be of any easy rate and length, but it is of course lee intensive than your workout.
  • Simmer down is another big part of a training session to decelerate all psychological and physiological functions to the normal rate. It may be 5-10 minutes of slow running. If it is necessary, you can do some plasticity or power exercises to help recover muscle power and refreshment.

We believe these simple advices will help you successfully organize your technique of treadmill workout.

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